Monday 30 April 2012

9 months

Hey guys,
It has been freaking nine months since my last post.
OMG!!!! Hey, don't get me wrong.
I didn't blog about my life doesn't mean that i don't have one ok??!!
(trying to defend myself but in fact my life wasn't that awesome ==)
Things had happened these passed nine months, but i have no idea why i didn't have the urge to blog about it.
Anyway, nothing much special about today.
Oh!!!!! Except today is LABOUR DAY!!! LMAO :D
Just randomly felt that IT'S TIME to pay my pathetic blog a visit. Haha :D

❤ 47 months ❤

That is how long my darling and i are together.
We've been through ups and downs, bitter and sweet.
Believe it or not, we've even come to the extent of a breaking point.
大难不死,必有后福 right??!! (kinda a lame application tho o.o)
But I think that is what that brought us closer to each other.
I'm no expert in relationships, i'm jus saying that no couples in this world have a perfect relationship.
No disagreements, no fights, NONSENSE!!!
In fact, these little fights are actually a essential ingredient to a healthy relationship. Don't you agree??

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
You wouldn't know what happiness feels like unless u've tasted sorrow.

Hence, a piece of advise to all the couples out there.
Hahahaha~~Nah just kidding xD
Just keep in mind that fights and quarrels aren't necessarily a bad thing.
It's actually a way to get to know each other better, and what do you guys have in mind.
Everyone has their differences.
Races, religion, culture, how they see things, how they were brought up etc.
Just try to work things out by compromising.
Try to take a brief walk in his/her shoes.
Perhaps you would find out that actually things weren't that complicated.
Perhaps you're the one who's being ridiculous.